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Lean, Six Sigma, Continuous Improvement, etc.:

Years of experience: I have been using these principles and approaches throughout most of my career


  • Broad background in all of these methodologies including:

    • Top tier consulting experience
    • Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB) by ASQ (expired)
    • Utilizing these principles and methodologies daily in every position
  • JIT

    • Uniform plant load (UPL)

    • One-piece flow (overlapping operations)

    • Pull systems

    • Kanban

      • Single and multiple card

      • Constant quantity non-constant cycle, and constant cycle non-constant quantity Kanbans

      • Broadcast Kanbans

    • JIT Procurement

    • Total productive maintenance, SMED (single minute exchange of die)

  • Toyota Production System (TPS)

  • Synchronous Manufacturing (Goldratt approach)

    • Dependent events and statistical fluctuations

    • Constraint / bottleneck identification and management

    • T, I, &OE; Throughput, Inventory, and Operating Expense

    • Synchronous flow

    • Drum - Buffer - Rope (DBR)

    • Manufacturing operation classification (V,A,T analysis)

  • Demand Flow - DFT (Costanza approach)  

  • Six Sigma

    • DMAIC - Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control

    • Voice of the customer

    • Numerous definition, measurement, and analysis tools


My resume is full of examples related to this, but I will recap some relevant accomplishments in the following

  • Reduced high complexity order production cycle time by 50% on telecom site assembly and prep

  • Reduced manufacturing lead times 30% in a foundry

  • Improved electro-mechanical total manufacturing lead times by up to 60%

  • Implemented a purchased part kanban system at HVAC manufacturer reducing purchased part related WIP by 66%

  • Developed Kanban system for warehouse postponement operations for pipe cutting at a plumbing distributor allowing exceeding of customer expectations with no increase in inventory

  • Implemented scheduling, systems, production layout, routing, and production metrics changes that facilitated a tripling of production within 2 weeks and averted a customer crisis

  • Implemented Kanbans for steel and a broadcast Kanban for automated truck loaders and unloaders that assisted in reduction of inventory 60%, and improved on time schedule achievement

  • Implemented Kanbans for steel and machined parts, as well as a broadcast Kanban for purchased parts for production of Automated Truck Loaders and Unloaders that assisted in reduction of inventory 60%, and improved on time schedule achievement

  • Reduced order processing tasks by 50% in Customer Service organization

  • Developed suggestions targeted at reducing total distribution costs by 70% at large telecommunications company (consulting)

  • Redesigned materials management processes at a foundry reducing department personnel 40% (multiple activities / tasks)

  • Reduced shipping errors 61%, at a company supplying retailers, through education, measurement, and operational process changes

  • Implemented a tailored logistics network for a HVAC business segment and reduced inventories 48% in 6 months

  • Improved product margins 31% through procurement cost reductions, as well as process and supply chain changes

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